JANUARY 06, 2025
SPEAKER: Pastor Edwin Biayeibo
TOPIC: Prophetic Instructions for the Year of Amazing Grace
TEXT: 1 Corinthians 15:10
God told us that in the year of quintuple, there is going to be a multiplied grace. Paul said that by the grace of God he is what he is. Three years after his conversion, he went in search of God. He received abundance of revelation. The year of amazing grace is going to be a year of abundance and multiple opportunities for great achievements.
Paul said when the grace was given, it wasn't given to him alone but that he laboured more abundantly. Ladies and gentlemen, 2025 is a year of great labour. Prophecies are given to you so that by them you can go to work, you can labour. He said that even in the labour, the fasting , prayer, study of the word, diligence, an all, it wasn't him but the grace gave him energy.
So God gave us Instructions for the year of amazing grace. I had mentioned two of them during the Cross Over Service and in the First Service I mentioned some more. However, I'll repeat them and discuss the rest.
1. Renew your covenant with God. Gen. 17:1-2. Remember the promises, vows and covenants you made with God. God is saying that even if have failed in these covenants, He is saying that you should renew you covenants with God.
2. Enter the your priesthood, enter into your assignment. 1 Chronicles 23:24-25.
3. Be intentional about your growth and maturity. This is because it's your time to reign. 2 Chronicles 25:1. There's going to be a significant change in leadership this year. Opportunities will come for leadership, go for them. Volunteer for such positions. Take advantage of every opportunity for leadership coming your way. - Grow your skill. If you have to go back to school, go. If you have to get a mentor, get one. Prepare yourself, something is coming your way.
- Horn your skills. One thing I'm going to beg you is take your health seriously: adopt a balance nutritional value. Be intentional with your health.
- Exercise regularly. Prioritize your sleep. Check your health regularly. Manage stress. Quit harmful habits. Build and maintain strong social connections. Enjoy good relationships, enjoy family.
4. Seek to do new things and seek for new methods of doing old things. If you are 40 years and below and you don't have a knowledge of AI, please go and learn it.
5. Pay any price to break free from ancestral limitations and captivity. Limitations are like ceilings that decides how high a person will rise.
6. Set timelines for personal retreats and determine to do, at least on big thing before the year ends. 2 Kings 18:2-18. It's going to be a season of personal revival and personal seeking of God. It could be a fashion runway show, a conference, a huge business seminar, sponsor a gospel outreach. Go and start something and don't be afraid if it fails.
7. The year of amazing grace must be a year of forgiveness, mercy, repentance and restitution. People will offend you this year, receive grace to forgive. Grace gives somebody what he doesn't deserve while mercy withholds what you deserve (reprimands and punishments).
Everything I've said may not apply to you but in the area that applies to you as God to help you. I declare that by grace of God you will accomplish great things this year. Receive grace to labour in Jesus name. You will achieve great thing not by your strength.