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Welcome To House On The Rock Enugu

House On The Rock is a vibrant, multi-ethnic church, with over 7,000 worshippers on Sunday mornings and several daughter churches spread over Africa and Europe.

We believe in the power of God's word to change lives and value the practical application of His word to make a difference in who we are and what we do.

Believing and obeying His message leads us in a discovery of real life and a hope for eternity. This is what the Bible teaches us, that Jesus Christ came as God's gift to the world with a message of good news.

Our Mission

Our mission is to position the unexpected and the unlikely for the prolific move of God in the 21st Century and beyond. We are committed to ministering to your destiny; to assist you through the word and covenant relationships to become all that God has called you to become, and to all that He has called you to do.
You have a destiny in God.

Our Beliefs

☛ We believe that the bible is the inspired (God breathed) infallible (all true) and inerrant (without error or contradiction) word of God. It is the Supreme and final authority in faith and practice.
☛ We believe in the trinity: the God who exist in the three distinct persons; Father, Son and the Holy Spirit.
☛ We believe Jesus Christ is the son of God and savior of the world.
☛ We believe Jesus Christ was crucified on the cross, and on the third day He rose triumphant over death.
☛ We believe that there is no other name given that man should be saved by but the name of Jesus Christ.
☛ We believe that Jesus Christ is coming again.

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Testimonies from real people, whose lives has been touched and changed in tremendious ways.


My daughter developed a mysterious ailment after taking vaccination drugs. The reaction was so bad, mucus was coming out from almost every opening in her body. But today, she is totally healed. Thank God for the complete recovery.


I entered a keke, not knowing that my fekkow parsengers are kidnappers. They tried, at gun point, to takie me to a strange location, but mysteriousloy decided to throw me off the keke along the way. I got bruises, but am alive today. Thank God for saving my life.


Before coming to church, I couldn't see well with one of my eyes. But as the man of God prayed, I felt a burning sensation in the affected eye,and as I scratched the eyes, I realized I can now see with the same eye. Glory be to God.

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Identifying with a CITH family brings us closer to you, and you to us, thereby forming an even closer family circle. That way, we can easily reach out and care for ourselves, even while we learn the Word of God together.

Also, joining and serving in any department is an opportunity to be a willing, useful and worthy vessel in the house of God.


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Our Pastors


An author, motivator and conference speaker. Paul Adefarasin is one of the most respected and sought after ministers in Nigeria. His weekly television programme “SOMETHING IS ABOUT TO HAPPEN!” is broadcast into millions of homes across Africa and Europe. Paul Adefarasin is well known for his clear message of hope, healing and empowerment. He is widely regarded as a visionary leader and bridge-builder. His ability to transcend Race, Tribe and Creed with his unique approach to ministry has seen to the forging of many strategic relationships between the Church and secular communities in Africa.


Here in Enugu, we are blessed with one of the finest and prolific teachers of the word, Rev. Edwin Biayeibo, as the resident Pastor. He is the founder of the much celebrated Wisdom for Winning devotional, the convener of Ignite with ED (IGWE) Conference, touching lives all over the globe. He is married to Sonia Edwin Biayeibo, an economist by proffesion, and they are blessed with 6 children


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SUNRISE SERVICE (IGNITE CONFERENCE 2025) JANUARY 26, 2025 SPEAKER: Apostle Edu Udechukwu TOPIC: TEXT: James 5:13-16 There is only a measure that God can reveal over time and there are things in us that cannot allow the measure of God to abound on us. God is gentle and will not force Himself on man. The things you have can only be sustained by the fire on the altar. The medication for affliction is prayer. What makes you grow spiritually is your development in God. Many times we say that something is not working but we have not obeyed all the laws guiding it. There is a depth you cannot get on the surface. There's a depth in God that you cannot get when you do not get deep in the spirit. So God wouldn't give you certain things unless you go deep in intercession because He knows that you can lose it if you're operating on the surface. Sin can be a stumbling block if it is not dealt with. That means that there's a credit that you score with God when you live righteously. When Satan wants to work he is not so strong to excel over you but he takes advantage of the ground that you have granted to Him. Consider whether there's something in your life that's neutralizing the power of God on your prayer altar. E. M. Bounds said that the prayer that you pray that does not move your heart does not move God. The heartfelt prayer... Sometimes the heartfelt prayer does the miracle for us. If indeed God is with us then He has to work for us. If God came through for anyone, He has to come through for me. There's a fire that comes on a man's altar and people will be blessed because of him. He becomes a wildfire, a spiritual circuit that everyone who comes in contact with him catches that fire. There's a generation included in your generation. Prayer is what runs the economy of Heaven. The problem now is that people are not concerned about deposits but are just withdrawing. For there to be a trans-generational transfer we must obey the law of origin encounter.

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FRESH DEW SERVICE (IGNITE CONFERENCE 2025) JANUARY 26, 2025 SPEAKER: Apostle TOPIC: TEXT: Hebrews 5:1- 7. Let's start with that scripture that was shared. I told myself if the Bible is true then I will follow it. As a teenager, I got frustrated because I didn't see the reflection of the scripture in my family. I must effect the scripture in my time. The fear of prayer is the burden of God. If God drops a prayer in your heart, it'll draw you with burden. If God is true, we must find Him in His temple. In the later part of that scripture, Hannah says there is none as holy as the Lord. At what point did Hannah know that Jesus is the rock? If the rock is there he will come for us. The rock is actually a person. The rock followed them. It was the rock that Moses struck and water flowed in the wilderness. There are situations in your life that can bring you a revelation only in the place of prayer. That's how spiritual men advance. That's what God does when He takes a man through a process. You don't just pray because you want to pray, you pray because there's a quickened. May the fire of God come upon your prayer altar. Show me our scripture. The fundamental implication of being born in Christ is that we are made kings and priests. We had a case and the man that came to argue the case came with his herbalist. The man looks into your eyes when he comes into your office. Every king must have a prophet if he is to succeed. You need an altar that is on fire. There are too many things people go through they need fire on their altars, not prayer points. The scripture is trying to do something compelling here. The activities that go on with the old covenant lack the substance to transcend. In the new covenant, we measure the weight of substances based on the level of spirit that's on it. My prayer is that God will deliver our generation from the focus of vanities into the reality of the spirit. The real power of spiritual things is consistency. There are angels marshaled to respond to a certain measure of incense. The destiny of humanity is riding on the wings of prayer. Where a man dropped his will is where he died. A time comes when you have to tell God that He has to come through for you because you have boasted too much with Him.

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SUNRISE SERVICE JANUARY 06, 2025 SPEAKER: Pastor Edwin Biayeibo TOPIC: Prophetic Instructions for the Year of Amazing Grace TEXT: 1 Corinthians 15:10 God told us that in the year of quintuple, there is going to be a multiplied grace. Paul said that by the grace of God he is what he is. Three years after his conversion, he went in search of God. He received abundance of revelation. The year of amazing grace is going to be a year of abundance and multiple opportunities for great achievements. Paul said when the grace was given, it wasn't given to him alone but that he laboured more abundantly. Ladies and gentlemen, 2025 is a year of great labour. Prophecies are given to you so that by them you can go to work, you can labour. He said that even in the labour, the fasting , prayer, study of the word, diligence, an all, it wasn't him but the grace gave him energy. So God gave us Instructions for the year of amazing grace. I had mentioned two of them during the Cross Over Service and in the First Service I mentioned some more. However, I'll repeat them and discuss the rest. 1. Renew your covenant with God. Gen. 17:1-2. Remember the promises, vows and covenants you made with God. God is saying that even if have failed in these covenants, He is saying that you should renew you covenants with God. 2. Enter the your priesthood, enter into your assignment. 1 Chronicles 23:24-25. 3. Be intentional about your growth and maturity. This is because it's your time to reign. 2 Chronicles 25:1. There's going to be a significant change in leadership this year. Opportunities will come for leadership, go for them. Volunteer for such positions. Take advantage of every opportunity for leadership coming your way. - Grow your skill. If you have to go back to school, go. If you have to get a mentor, get one. Prepare yourself, something is coming your way. - Horn your skills. One thing I'm going to beg you is take your health seriously: adopt a balance nutritional value. Be intentional with your health. - Exercise regularly. Prioritize your sleep. Check your health regularly. Manage stress. Quit harmful habits. Build and maintain strong social connections. Enjoy good relationships, enjoy family. 4. Seek to do new things and seek for new methods of doing old things. If you are 40 years and below and you don't have a knowledge of AI, please go and learn it. 5. Pay any price to break free from ancestral limitations and captivity. Limitations are like ceilings that decides how high a person will rise. 6. Set timelines for personal retreats and determine to do, at least on big thing before the year ends. 2 Kings 18:2-18. It's going to be a season of personal revival and personal seeking of God. It could be a fashion runway show, a conference, a huge business seminar, sponsor a gospel outreach. Go and start something and don't be afraid if it fails. 7. The year of amazing grace must be a year of forgiveness, mercy, repentance and restitution. People will offend you this year, receive grace to forgive. Grace gives somebody what he doesn't deserve while mercy withholds what you deserve (reprimands and punishments). Everything I've said may not apply to you but in the area that applies to you as God to help you. I declare that by grace of God you will accomplish great things this year. Receive grace to labour in Jesus name. You will achieve great thing not by your strength.

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