

Join a department, where you can serve. You can either serve in a department related to your area of specialty, in any area you love.

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This department is made up of members who dedicate their time and resources to reaching out and winnig souls for the kingdom of Christ.

Sight And Sound

This department serves as the information desk of the church. They respond to enquiries. They also manage the church's mini shop.


This departmetent is responsible for the video recordings, and all the equipments related to it, including cameras, etc.


This department is made up of electrical engineers and technicians. They are also incharge of the lightings, electirical installations and electronics equipments.

House Keeping

This department is saddled with the task of keeping the church auditorium and its environments clean.

Follow Up

This department is entrusted with the duty of making sure that new members are tracked and cared for by calling them, messasging them, visiting them, etc.

City Of David

This is the church music group, made up of singers and instrumentalists.

Social Media

This department is reponsible for the church's social media presence.


Members of this department are Pastor's personal aids.


This department ensures that members are organized during services.

Pastoral Care

This department takes care of the pastors, leaders, assistant leaders and their welfare.


This is the drama group of the church.


This department is made up of dancers and choreographers. They mostly perform during special occations.


The church's security arm. Made up of security experts, volunteers and members who have any form of knowledge or experience in security operations.

Data Management

This department is made up of graphics designers, database managers, software and app developers, UI designers etc. Their primary duty is to gather and manage data for the church. They also manage the church website and it's adjoining suite of softwares.

Rock Clinic

This is the medical arm of the church. They are open for consultations, especially on during services.


The soul winning arm of the church.


The prayer group of the church. Made up of prayer warriors and members who are called to minister in prayers.

Rock News

The news arm of the church. Saddled with the responsibility of bringing the news of latest events and happenings both in church and in the world in general.