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Welcome To House On The Rock Enugu

House On The Rock is a vibrant, multi-ethnic church, with over 7,000 worshippers on Sunday mornings and several daughter churches spread over Africa and Europe.

We believe in the power of God's word to change lives and value the practical application of His word to make a difference in who we are and what we do.

Believing and obeying His message leads us in a discovery of real life and a hope for eternity. This is what the Bible teaches us, that Jesus Christ came as God's gift to the world with a message of good news.

Our Mission

Our mission is to position the unexpected and the unlikely for the prolific move of God in the 21st Century and beyond. We are committed to ministering to your destiny; to assist you through the word and covenant relationships to become all that God has called you to become, and to all that He has called you to do.
You have a destiny in God.

Our Beliefs

☛ We believe that the bible is the inspired (God breathed) infallible (all true) and inerrant (without error or contradiction) word of God. It is the Supreme and final authority in faith and practice.
☛ We believe in the trinity: the God who exist in the three distinct persons; Father, Son and the Holy Spirit.
☛ We believe Jesus Christ is the son of God and savior of the world.
☛ We believe Jesus Christ was crucified on the cross, and on the third day He rose triumphant over death.
☛ We believe that there is no other name given that man should be saved by but the name of Jesus Christ.
☛ We believe that Jesus Christ is coming again.

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Testimonies from real people, whose lives has been touched and changed in tremendious ways.


My daughter developed a mysterious ailment after taking vaccination drugs. The reaction was so bad, mucus was coming out from almost every opening in her body. But today, she is totally healed. Thank God for the complete recovery.


I entered a keke, not knowing that my fekkow parsengers are kidnappers. They tried, at gun point, to takie me to a strange location, but mysteriousloy decided to throw me off the keke along the way. I got bruises, but am alive today. Thank God for saving my life.


Before coming to church, I couldn't see well with one of my eyes. But as the man of God prayed, I felt a burning sensation in the affected eye,and as I scratched the eyes, I realized I can now see with the same eye. Glory be to God.

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Our Pastors


An author, motivator and conference speaker. Paul Adefarasin is one of the most respected and sought after ministers in Nigeria. His weekly television programme “SOMETHING IS ABOUT TO HAPPEN!” is broadcast into millions of homes across Africa and Europe. Paul Adefarasin is well known for his clear message of hope, healing and empowerment. He is widely regarded as a visionary leader and bridge-builder. His ability to transcend Race, Tribe and Creed with his unique approach to ministry has seen to the forging of many strategic relationships between the Church and secular communities in Africa.


Here in Enugu, we are blessed with one of the finest and prolific teachers of the word, Rev. Edwin Biayeibo, as the resident Pastor. He is the founder of the much celebrated Wisdom for Winning devotional, the convener of Ignite with ED (IGWE) Conference, touching lives all over the globe. He is married to Sonia Edwin Biayeibo, an economist by proffesion, and they are blessed with 6 children


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HOTR SOAR CONFERENCE 2023 DAY 3 || EVENING SESSION 13TH OCTOBER, 2023 PREACHER - PASTOR JERRY EZE TOPIC- EMMANUEL-GOD WITH US BIBLE TEXT - ISAIAH 7:14 Tonight we will all encounter God tonight. Spirit of Just men, tonight is our night. Enough is enough! EMMANUEL-GOD WITH US. THE prophesy In ISAIAH is that a king will be born and His name shall Be EMMANUEL. MATTHEW -we find the fullness of the fulfillment of the prophecy. From Isaiah's prophecy to The fulfillment of the Coming or EMMANUEL was a sum total of contradiction. For a virgin shall conceive is a contradiction in the normal human mind. For there to be a manifestation of the presence of God, there's usually a contradiction. Wherever you see a contradiction, EMMANUEL is about to make a name, and show up! Emmanuel uses the weak things of this world to show off. The baby will Be called the name God revealed and not anybody giving him a name. The manifested presence of God cannot be revealed outside the Will of God. The Bible says they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength Isaiah 40:31 - All of us waited on the Lord at the end of the day some people will Walk, some will run and some will fly. Your revelation of who God truly is will Determine how you will fly in life. EMMANUEL-GOD WITH US is not an end, it's a continuation. EMMANUEL IS NOT ONLY GOD WITH US, IT'S ALSO GOD IN US AND GOD THROUGH US. The essence of EMMANUEL is my Presence is with you, but then the world will Question you if his word has not become flesh. EMMANUEL is not goosebumps, nor force feeling, EMMANUEL is tangible and has to be seen in our lives daily, in our family, and in our careers. Isaiah spoke about EMMANUEL and many spread it. EMMANUEL is very mobile, He can never show up In your life and you remain the same. EMMANUEL showed up in The physicality in the intangibility of God. Meaning that he was physical. Emmanuel lived and died, even after he died, he's sitting on the right hand of God to make intercessions for Us. For Us to have the presence of God, some things have to Die. REVELATION 12:1-15 The woman who gave birth and the dragon chased her around until she was given a wing to fly. People around us seeing us are going to watch us SOAR In this season. There was pressure hence there were wings released for the woman to Fly! The woman was pregnant with a son that would rule the earth, as soon as she gave birth the dragon came for the child and Heaven said No, for they were interested in the Child. So, Until you get pregnant with what heaven has validated and what fits into the plan of God, then you will not have wings to fly. Therefore Pray that God will get us pregnant with divine visibility. PRAYER- Father, tonight by the incubation of the Holy Ghost I carry my possibilities. PJ PROPHECIES- -Doors of family celebrations have been unlocked. -Next Eleven Days of Family Good News. - Moments of Dissapoiments in our lives are over. Enter into Your New season. - Every battle of delay be broken. Amen. -Every spirit of struggle is broken by Fire. - The Lord puts in my hands what my Generation Needs, Amen. For the woman was pregnant, We live in a generation who wants to SOAR but has not become pregnant nor birthed anything cannot Soar for God has not seen you handle tasks that had been tested by Him. GET PREGNANT WITH A VISION AND BIRTH IT, THEN YOU CAN BE GIVEN WINGS TO FLY. As soon as the dragon was cast out the Lord gave her wings to fly! The first mention of the devil In the Bible is that he came as something one can like with so much sensuality to Eve. Hence there are days when the devil will Come like a dragon, come Like a wicked dragon. In the scripture above, until the devil was displaced the woman was given wings to fly. Every high flier should never be on the same level as your attacker and those who want you to Fail. God didn't need any drama to make the Woman fly and soar. God who is all-knowing can make her fly even without wings. But God in his intelligence amended her physical features to make the woman soar with wings with balance in the form of those that Soar. God is giving us wings to look Like the beings that fly. For every new season, God reveals to us the form to build from that season. ASK GOD WHAT FORM ARE YOU TURNING ME TO FOR WHAT WORK IS NEEDED FOR ME TO DO? And the Bible said she would Fly and enter into the wilderness to a place where the Lord was going to Feed her and nourish her. The Lord prepared a place for her In the wilderness where the Lord will Feed her. The Lord himself chose the Wilderness, the economy of the wilderness didn't look like it but she was sustained there. He the Lord that brought Me here will cover, feed, and sustain Me. Hence sometimes don't complain about a place, but pay attention to What's in it. The branding may not be it but pay attention to The package in it. Even her nourishment in the Wilderness was just for a time. The woman didn't waste Time. Understand that the unit of destiny is Time. Do not waste Time. May every time be counted. Everyone has a season and God has gathered men, and may you not show up and your men have gone. This is what we call The Kairos Moment. LISTEN OR DOWNLOAD THIS MESSAGE IN MP3 FORMAT USING THE BUTTONS PROVIDED BELOW.

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HOTR SOAR CONFERENCE DAY 3 -MORNING SESSION | 13TH OCTOBER, 2023 PREACHER - REV. DR EDWIN BAIYEIBO TOPIC- LEADERSHIP LESSONS LEARNT IN 22 YEARS BIBLE TEXT: ACTS 28:1-6 | PSALM 82:5-7 | JOHN 10:34 MATTHEW 1:23 The prophecy of God with Us was not only for Jesus but it was a prophecy for the Body of Christ. We are all part of the body of Christ. God created Man in God's Class. Then man fell and then God created a way for Restoration- Repentance. Hence Jesus When the bible said 'Ye are gods'. Israel is having war right now because they are Godless. This is the beginning of their problems. God with us is beyond the presence of God being with one. It's for us to carry God's presence and show up somewhere and people will Conclude in our lives that we are God's. LEADERSHIP LESSONS. 1. GET USED TO BATTLES IT EQUIPS YOU TO LEAD BETTER AND STRONGER. ACTS 28:1 In the jungle, it's seen that every animal is on the run. They are either running into something or running away from something. That's the way life was also designed. Don't be scared of going into battle, it's God's way of bringing deliverance to you and making you better. Daily we run three battles- -we just escaped one. -we are into another battle. -we are running into another. 2. LOVE AND APPRECIATE PEOPLE BUT NEVER BUILD YOUR CONFIDENCE ON THEIR AFFIRMATION. ACTS 28:2 BARBARIOS PEOPLE- vicious, brutal, wicked, mean. The Bible said they showed no little kindness. Yes PAUL In Verse 3, didn't depend on their fire. Don't depend on people to pray or do things for you. PRAY AND SPEAK BY YOURSELF. All through the scripture the phrase "Firewood or Wood" anywhere it's seen speaks about WORDS. IN PROVERBS 26:20. THE BIBLE SPOKE ABOUT THE STEM OF JESSE WHICH IS THE ROOT OF JESUS AND JESUS IS THE WORD! 3. PEOPLE ARE WATCHING YOU BUT DON'T LISTEN TO PEOPLE'S CONCLUSION. ACTS 28:4-6 People conclude on you what you are going through now. But don't let people firelight your path, for when they put off their fire, your light/path will go flat. LIGHT YOUR OWN FIRE AND MOVE WITH IT. 4. GET USED TO ALLOWING PEOPLE GO WHEN THEIR TIME IS UP. ECCLESIASTES 3:20 In everything there are times and seasons. There are people in your life who will go for a reason and a season. Let people Go. Don't be small-minded and stop witch-hunting. Learn to let people God and purge Bitterness from your life. To be continued... LISTEN OR DOWNLOAD THIS MESSAGE IN MP3 FORMAT USING THE BUTTONS PROVIDED BELOW.

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SOAR CONFERENCE 2023 || DAY 2 (Evening Session)

HOTR SOAR CONFERENCE DAY 2-EVENING SESSION || 12TH OCTOBER, 2023 PREACHER- APOSTLE JOSHUA SELMAN TOPIC - EMMANUEL PART II - THE BLESSINGS THAT COME WITH THE PRESENCE OF GOD BIBLE TEXT - EZRA 6:14-16 GETTING BACK OUR CHURCH The Assignment of Faith is to purchase realities within our ability. HOW DO YOU WANT TO BE A GLOBAL VOICE IF YOU DON'T HAVE FAITH? For the Bible said, Now Faith is the evidence of things hoped for... We are going to have a wisdom strategy that will be connected to our redemption! We have to collect our Property Back. When it has to do with the program of God it doesn't have to be about my church but it will be about His name. The church of our Lord Jesus Christ is not a weak and beggarly one, it will take our love for Jesus and our participation to move for Christ and take over our property. Declarations -We curse the spirit of property. Spirit of not making ends meet depart from our lives, Amen. - We curse the spirit of fear from Our Lives. EMMANUEL PART II- THE BLESSINGS OF HIS PRESENCE -PART II Let us release our Faith to receive tonight. When God decides to back men, there are blessings of his presence. The Bible is full of stories of ordinary men accomplishing great Triumphs and doing extraordinary things. Israel was one of those who enjoyed the Presence of God and their way was carrying the Ark of Covenant around them. One time a prophet was called to curse the people but He saw that the Ark of God was always around them, AND REFUSED TO CONTINUE WITH THE CURSE. The value of the presence of God is beyond just being a Christian There are six to be captured below. THE BLESSINGS THAT COME WITH THE PRESENCE OF GOD 1. THE FULLNESS OF JOY PSALM 16:11 - In thy presence is the fullness of joy. Joy is beyond happiness. Happiness is circumstantial. Joy is the ability to remain joyful in all circumstances and all issues that go on. In the world we are in, work to tap into the blessings that are abundant in the presence of God. Joy is an energy in the spirit, it gives you the staying power through unfavorable situations. Joy is dominion over pain. The presence of God brings Joy. PHILIPPIANS 4:4 Even In the face of trouble you forget your own pain and focus on the joy that will radiate around you and others. Sadness is not a Contributor so why dwell in it? 2. TRUE SUCCESS AND FAVOUR GENESIS 39:1-4 True success because there is bad success. JOSEPH was a slave and God still said he was a prosperous man even as a slave. His master saw that the Lord was with him and Joseph found Grace over his house. There's a profound blessing that the presence of God brings and it compels men to prosper. The presence of God can bring favor and true success to a man. It's a risk to live without the Favour of God in this world that is full of wickedness. When God wants to help one, he places something great that's in your life that presses the heart of someone who has the key to the prison TO UNLOCK IT. 2 SAMUEL 6:10-12 The Ark of God was in the house of OBEDEDOM the Gittite. And God blessed him for keeping the Ark in his house. What is upon you is what controls what is around You. 3. PROTECTION AND PRESERVATION PSALM. 23:1-4 Even if we face evil, we are aware of his Divine presence. There are Two Great people who enjoyed the protection and preservation of God. - JONAH was in a ship and because of the negative presence in the ship, they nearly sank, then he there himself in the sea. - JESUS was also in a boat with his disciples, there came a boisterous storm, he was asleep but they had confidence that his divine presence would calm the storm, and when Jesus was awake, He said "Peace be still". DANIEL 3:19-30 - Nebuchadnezzar built the structure of 90 feet and he asked that all should bow at the stature. They threw the 3 of them In the fire and a 4th man showed up. There were always Four, only that the fire revealed the presence of the 4th man! All we need to do is to be sure we have the presence of God. PSALM 3 - I lay me down and sleep and the Lord God will wake me up. This is the scripture to carry about Me. JEREMIAH 20:10-11 THIS SCRIPTURE GIVES CONFIDENCE, SURROUND YOURSELF WITH THIS SCRIPTURE. Jesus is determined to stand by us as the Mighty Terrible One. He is the Mighty One, He is our Protection. ISAIAH 8:10 - ... Take counsel and it will Come to buy, speak the work and it will not stand, FOR God is with Us. Reject Fear! 4. REST - EXODUS 33:12-14 There's Rest that comes with the blessings in the Presence of God In physics Rest is a time there is no motion. In Christianity, Rest from Struggles, fear, and pain .. In His presence, we can find Rest. Matthew 11:28 REST is not Non challenge, Be still and find Rest! 5. TRANSFORMATION 2 CORINTHIANS 3:17-18 Where the spirit of the Lord is there is liberty, we all with open faces behold the Glory of the Lord... If a weak person stays In His presence, it brings Transformation. Stay in His presence. The quality of your life and whole being changes forever when you dwell in God's presence. If God can take you from the ground to the sky, He can take you from the pit to a Ladder. 6. WALKING IN THE SUPERNATURAL. MARK 16:19-20 The blessings of the presence of God makes make us walk in the supernatural. ACTS 10:38 - God announced JESUS OF NAZARETH and he went about doing good for God was with Him! If your age is the only thing that is growing in your life then there's trouble. An airplane is programmed to fly over mountains even without the occupants knowing, There's an advantage of altitude, Thus God can lift a man to a level of altitude without the man even knowing! Activating the Favour of God in our lives-- There are 3 ways to Open doors 1. Use of correct keys 2. By Knocking 3. Breaking the doors just like Paul and Silas did. Glory to God LISTEN OR DOWNLOAD THIS MESSAGE IN MP3 FORMAT USING THE BUTTONS PROVIDED BELOW.

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